Clothing Suggestions:
Other odds and ends
- Baby? Put a bib on them until you arrive at the session, or change them into their outfit right when you arrive to keep them clean. Outfits are one piece work better than seeing diapers. If the outfit scrunches up, be aware of that, and maybe have them in a onesy and a wrapped in a blanket.
- Snacks? Don't bring messy snacks or juice in the car, or any snacks at all out of the car (water is fine). We don't want kids to get messy before or during the session, and snacks are very distracting. You can however promise snack (and ice cream!) after!
- Hair? Bring a brush or comb to run through the kids/our hair right before the shoot.
- Patterns? Please no stripes (thin ones look zig-zaggy and fat ones are distracting). Small prints are fine.
- No Black or very dark colors (they wash you out and aren't flattering).